pinus flexilis การใช้
- In " Pinus flexilis ", the cones are long, green when immature, and open to release the seeds; the scales are not fragile.
- It may be grow in " Festuca idahoensis " plant communities, and it is often associated with " Pinus flexilis " and " Artemisia tripartita ".
- This is a rare high-elevation example of this species growing amongst Engelmann spruce ( " Picea engelmannii " ) and limber pine ( " Pinus flexilis " ).
- Limber pine ( " Pinus flexilis " ) occurs in pure stands on nutrient-poor, often steep slopes along the east side of the Sierra, and forms mat-like krummholz growth forms at tree line.
- There is one known example of a Colorado pinyon growing amongst Engelmann spruce ( " Picea engelmannii " ) and limber pine ( " Pinus flexilis " ) at nearly on Kendrick Peak in the Kaibab National Forest of northern Arizona.
- A variety of trees can be found on the mountain, including single-leaf pinyon ( " Pinus monophylla " ), limber pine ( " Pinus flexilis " ), and, at the highest elevations, the ancient Great Basin bristlecone pine ( " Pinus longaeva " ).
- "Suillus americanus " is very similar in appearance to " Suillus sibiricus " ( distributed in western North America and western and central Asia ) but the latter species associates with " Pinus monticola " and " Pinus flexilis " rather than " Pinus strobus ".